Friday, July 29, 2011

Snicker Caramel Cheesecake cookies

My dad is the kind of cook, that can throw anything together and it just turns out delicious. He is just amazing! (He makes the best chicken marsala, tacos, bbq, homemade beef jerky..I even like his tempura bruselsprouts! the list of bests is never ending, seriously!) He add pinches of this, and a dap of that, and "watches to see when its ready". I on the other hand, MUST have a recipe and I must follow it exactly and even then it turns out just okay. However, I do LOVE to bake. I still need a recipe, and im not all crafty to make up my own flavors or anything, I just love to do it. Its been nice having Kyle in class because i can bake and send some with him so Kyle and I dont eat an entire batch of whatever it was.
The other day I was on facebook, and saw a post with a link to an amazing blogsite!
SOO many of the recipes sound so amazing! One that i tried awile ago, which i didnt even realize was from her site was the oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies (Best Cookie EVER!!)  This time the Snicker Caramel Cheesecake cookies caught my eye. Of course I couldnt just run tot the store since they called for a special muffin top pan. So I ran to bed bath and beoynd to pick one up..just my luck, the dont carry it in stores and I had to order it. Well, the pan showed up yesterday, so i sent Kyle with a list to the store on his way home. And got to make them after dinner, and let me tell you... YUM!! At first when they came out, i was like ehh, this are kinda odd..then i let them cool in the fridge and thought they were pretty good, A little chewy with the snickers (i might delay putting them on a few minutes). However, i tried one this morning after they have been in the refrigerator all night...and o.m.g i loved it!!
Here is the recipe that i totally recommend!
 Today or tomorrow I want to try the white chocolate smores gooey cake bars! they just sound amazing!

Here's the Oreo stuffed chololate chip cookies:

My New Muffin Top Pan (i'm very excited to look up other recipes I can use this for!)

Heading into the oven

Right out of the oven, kinda sloppy but after i cut away the spilled over burnt snickers they looked much better! 

and finally:

Oh and dont forget to top with caramel!


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